Well, my oh my!!!!!! ........... how time flies!! We, being travelers in this journey called life have become TIME TRAVELERS, it seems, ...BEING SWEPT away IN THE MOVEMENT of the Universe.
As I sit on my Front Porch this early evening, I glance upward to the sky, and watch as the soft hazy clouds overhead slowly move across the sky before me. I sence the connction of that movement which also represents MY LIFE, and the gradual but continual changes of the scenery on a day to day, week to week, and month by month progression. I ponder all that has transpired in the ONE YEAR anniversary, since the meeting of my precious sisters, known as FRONT PORCH FRIENDS!!
As I begin to write this blog I see from the POST date, that I have been absent from my Personal Front Porch communications for ONE FULL YEAR.........however does that happen??? I MEANT TO WRITE MORE OFTEN, I THOUGHT about it, my INTENTIONS WERE GOOD .... Where DOES that time go??? Perhaps, as a dear friend once said to me , 'we get caught up in the Tyranny of the Urgent, and life just keeps evolving!" ( and we, it appears, ever so gradually, slip RIGHT along with it )
Circumstances, Situations and "LIFE IN GENERAL" keep changing and moving on. The daily demands and time constraints keep us FAR too busy. I try to recall the many events that I have witnessed, and taken part in, over this time frame, and it flashes before my minds eye, like clips from a SLIDE SHOW.
We've said our last good bye's and have all grieved the loss of some precious ones in our lives that can never be replaced, and will ever leave an empty hole in our hearts. We've prayed together and held one another up through these times of illness, loss and darkness. We've faced diagnoses that shook our foundations and clung on to a promise of healing. Several of us have traveled to places we never thought we would see. We've celebrated over the birth of New Babies, and New Beginnings, as we have shared with those dear to us, who have taken that sacred vow of Marriage. Longime friends move away, and we miss them terribly. Our children seem to grow and change daily, and we fear losing them to the crazy world that they will someday traverse on their own. It all passes too quickly!!
We've elected a new President, and continue to watch as his agenda unfolds and impacts our lives. The economic burdens continue to press in on us, and we are forced to change ( or take on) new jobs to keep financially afloat; we celebrate with those who once were LOST and now are FOUND!! AND, for me especially, I watch as my beloved husband continues to decline mentally and phyically from the slow progression of Multiple Sclorosis. So little time we have had to build GOOD memories. BUT, I thank God for never leaving us during these challenging times, and I cling on to the HOPE of the return of our soon and coming King.. and that someday soon we will ALL experience a land where there will be no more sickness or death!!
SOOO many changes, sooo many tears, of both sadness and joy............. nothing stays the same!! It KEEPS MOVING ON. Amidst these storms, through the sunrises, and sun-sets, and whirlwinds of life, each of us struggles to stay focused, stay connected, and hold on with all our might to our Faith, AND THE AUTHOR AND FINISHER of that Faith!! BUT ONE THING IS certain...we never bear these burdens alone..for WE, who are Sisters in Faith, despite the miles and years that separate us, ALWAYS can depend that when ONE is in need...all will respond! Thats the way it is with the FAMILY OF GOD...what HE joins together can NEVER be torn apart... and FOR THAT, my dear friends, I REJOICE!! What touches ONE of us, affects ALL of us, as our hearts are connected.
So much has happened in the lives of the FRONT PORCH SISTERS, in this past year, and it was our dear Laurie who called us to "RALLY AROUND" and give an update on not only the VIEW from our OWN updated Front Porches , but to also share HOW our " chance meeting" at the Speakers and Writers Conference of SHE SPEAKS ministry, has impacted our lives. I believe that I am the FIRST to respond...WOW....where do I begin to expound??
Just a little over one year ago, with the chance meeting of these 7 special ladies at that special, LIFE CHANGING conference, began a unique and deeply bonded relationship of HEART FRIENDS!! Friends who immediately recognized that, dispite our obvious variety of ages, ethnicities, geographic distances, and stages in life, we had A DUEL COMMONALITY:
A PASSION TO WRITE AND SPEAK, AND A PASSION FOR OUR GOD!! This was, AND IS, the GLUE that holds us together.
As often happens in life, when you come together, in a first meeting, and you instantly CLICK, or even if it's the reunion of family and old friends, YOU PROMISE, to never lose touch, and at FIRST...you try really hard to make that happen...but alas...as time passes, and the pressures, demands, and distractions of life crash upon us, it is easy to FORGET what is REALLY IMPORTANT...BUT then there is SOMEONE who gently reminds you that its time to CHECK BACK IN and reconnect, the bond immediately takes hold once again. Thanks, Laurie, for your faithful demonstration of your love of writing, and the love and devotion to your "WRITE ON" friends, whom our Great God has intrusted to you. You are an AMAZING LADY, and I want to personally be the first to tell you how GLAD I am that we were united to be FRONT PORCH SISTERS. You have an incredible ability to express such depth of emotion in your writing, and you are an inspiration to so many of us!!
Now, on to my PERSONAL update: This past April I was asked to be the Key Speaker at a Christian Womens Retreat, with the theme THE HEART OF GOD!!.....well..if't its ONE THING I KNOW ABOUT and have a PASSION FOR..it's GOD, and the condition of the Hearts of Women. ( beginning with and relating to MY OWN) What a blessing and a privelege that was, and I know that it was directly a result of the encouragement of both SHE SPEAKS conference last year, AND the love and encouragment of YOU, my Sisters. It had been YEARS since I have had this opportunity, and it rekindled that desire in my Heart to communicate what God has taught me throughout my life experiences. I pray that more opportunities to Speak will arrise from the incredibly possitive response of those attending this retreat. How I wish you all might have been present with me, but please know that I held you near in my spirit over the entire weekends teaching sessions. And our Mighty God used ME ( in my inabilities and weakesses) to impress HIS love upon those women attending , and to confirm HIS Holy presence despite thier fear and doubts.
My BOOK writing has been "on hold" for several months now , but maybe with this "RE Start" to my blogging, I will once again sit at the keyboard and put my thoughts in order. If it IS to be, the inspiration and motivation will come!!
Maybe the writing of my BOOK was what DREW me to the conference last year, but EVEN GREATER STILL, than the knowledge and experience from that event, was the powerful connection of like-mindedness and faithful devotion from my Front Porch Sisters, and for THAT, if nothing more comes from it, I am EVER GRATEFUL!!
I close this writing with a serene sence of contentedness, and with a soft sigh, I become aware that, though there is MUCH in this life we cannot capture or control, and as "TIME TRAVELERS" we steadly move onward, once thing is certain. HE WHO BEGAN A GOOD WORK IN US, WILL COMPLETE IT!! ( no matter HOW LONG it takes, by our measuring. or how that work manifests itself in our lives )
Be strong in your Faith, my Sisters, stay dedicated to your cause and your calling, continue to persevere, and thank you ALL, for meeting here with me on the Front Porch View from the West. I look eagerly forward to your own updated blogs and communications.
Till we meet again, here on FRONT PORCH, ( or at THE HOUSE) I thank my God for you, and hold you ever in my prayers!! Sharon
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Sunday, August 17, 2008
A cure for Failing "I" Sight
Hello friends and Family, and welcome back to the Front Porch in the West, and the HEART OF THE MATTER!!
As I enjoy the last light, and cool breeze of this summers day, I have been thinking about so many things, ALL AT ONCE...those who need my prayers and love to support their challenging lives, and then I shift my thoughts to consider the next several weeks agenda, and all that needs to be accomplished, the opportunities that will face me, and the ones that I have missed due to the demands of life. I Long in my heart of hearts to see those whom I love secure in their health issues, finances, and life choices. Isn't it amazing that our brains can contain so many thoughts at any given moment and we somehow are able to sort them all out? OR NOT!!!?
In the midst of these Summer Evening ponderings, a song of worship enters in....( as often is the case for me, when I least expect it, a MELODY with meaning overpowers my rational) and my heart hesitates and surrenders to its strains...'OPEN MY EYES, LORD, I WANT TO SEE JESUS" How I love to sing that song, and at that moment my HEART is totally devoted and my mind "sees" only the blessing and glories of God's goodness in my life ..... ......OH yes, How I long to see my Jesus, certainly in Eternity, but even more so in my EVERDAY life, in my ponderings, my activities and my comitments and promises to keep. When I sing the words to that song, I SINCERELY do want to see Jesus in ALL that transpires, both VISABLE AND INVISIBLE, but unfortunately I have recently been diagnosed with and discovered a common ailment ..FAILING EYE ( OR more correctly said) "I" SIGHT. I WANT to see Jesus in everything and everyone, but somehow my "I"'s get blurred and I don't. Maybe you.ve had these same symptoms.
Recently I have noticed failing "I" sight when the life of my precious new friends son hangs teniously in the balance... "I" ache for these desperate, loving, sacrificial parents who would gladly trade places to have this sons life spared. For 5 long years he has battled with that dreadful ememy CANCER. 5 years of his young life, he has bravely fought, alongside his parents who have done everything humanly possible both to encourage his faith and strength and stamia, but to remain faithful and diligent in asking our Heavenly Father for a Miracle, and recently our hopes have been dashed as the Dr.'s have given less than promising diagnosis. My heart is SO full of love and devoted to prayer in their behalf to BEAT THIS ENEMY!!
Then my mind shifts to think of my precious co worker and Sister in Faith, who has dedicated her life to a son who is now a full grown man, in his 20's but his mind is locked into that of a 2-3 year old. She has diligently protected, provided for and carried this heavy physical and emotional burden has taken a serious toll on her mind and body. Yet her faith never waivers, and she continues on to BELIEVE that her Lord will direct and guide her, and sustain her to keep on. AND...so many others I care about are struggling, suffering and lost.
"I" don;t like this, Lord....I don't understand this..these are HUGE burdens to bear, and being born by the ones you Cherish... "I " know and believe that you are working all this out for good, but in the meantime, "I" confess that "I" don't get it.!!!! .I FEEL SOOO HELPLESS, SO INADEQUATE, SO DEFENSELESS, and "I " can't help but wonder, Lord, WHERE ARE YOU amidst this pain and anguish??? Is is really necessary for our good, and for the good of all creation????? That a Child would suffer, that a parent would GIVE UP EVERYTHING?? Wouldn't it be better to HEAL these precious ones, to remove the heavy burdens..wouldn't THAT be a better witness to doubters..to say "LOOK HOW OUR GOD HEALED...RESTORED AND REPAIRED".. "i" THINK IT WOULD, THINK HOW MANY would believe, then LORD !!?? "I " believe you CAN do this, Lord, "I" ask you to..."I" , "I", "I", I", "I"!!! SO many times our Faith falters when we don;t see God doing what "I" know, I feel or think IS BEST!!!
"Child ( I then hear his VOICE in my heart) you have failing "I" sight here!!...... FOR I, YOUR GOD, SEE MUCH DEEPER AND WIDER AND FARTHER than you ever could. You have UNLIMITED ability to see, and I HAVE LIMITLESS ability !! Can you not rest and trust me??"
Oh Lord, forgive us for not trusting your wisdom here!! The more "I" see and KNOW ( in the Greek this word is translated " to be familiar with someone or thing, to such an intimacy that is over rides knowledge, and it becomes more RELATIONALLY EXPERIENCIAL~~) The More I KNOW God, the more I experience God's ways are not my own, and might never agree with his methods ( Isaiah 55: 8) my focus is too often on the FEELING~~ our longings, our hopes and dreams and suffering get in the way and our "I" sight is affected, and takes power over the TRUTH of the Matter by clouding our vision . The Truth of the matter really is SIN, folks..SIN erodes us of our health, our Joy and our VISION of HOW CLOSE TO THE HEART OF THE MATTER Jesus really is. I never thought much about this, but in the center of the word S I N is that darned ol "I" again!!
Father help us to have " Supernatural Occular Adjustment here, to really SEE Jesus holding this Son, this little Lamb in his arms and comforting his fears and anxieties. Help US, who stand in support and prayer viligence to focus on ETERNITY and not on the unknown and temporal present. Help us to recognize that even amidst the blur of pain and suffering and doubt that YOU ARE WORKING YOUR ULTIMATE ETERNAL GOOD!!
God has such a sence of humor!! Right now, amidst my questioning and grief, HE STILL makes me smile!!
As I gaze out over my neighbors lawn, I see that her little Terrier Pup has been chasing a frog ( going about his business of eating the" intruder bugs" in the garden) and the Pup has the frog cornered, and IT FLIPS OVER ON ITS BACK..DEAD??? We run to rescue it, shaming the pup for this act, and guess what?? The frog, knowin it is in peril has been "playing dead"..When faced with an enemy BIGGER that him, he stops all activity and just flips over, becoming what I would guess to be his MOST VULNERABLE POSITION, he RESTS, HELPLESS and unable to defend himself, HIS INSTINCT has taught him to STOP (W) RESTLING AND TO REST!! WHAT A LESSON from Nature !! Stop striving, stop fighting, stop when you can;t possibly defend yourself, and PUT YOUR TOTAL TRUST IN THE ONE WHO CAN!! Take the "I" out of the equasion and put a U in its place, and S I N BECOMES S U N!! My ever Positive husband, despite the pain, humiliation and discouragement from his progressive Multiple Schlorosis, likes to say " THE SUN IS ALWAYS SHINING....but sometimes the CLOUDS just hide it!!"
Heavenly Father, I confess that so much of the HEART OF THE MATTER ( or the matter with my Heart) is my FAILING "I" sight, amidst the trials and grief of this ole World!! During these times of distress, grief, fear, and yes even anger, over what is out of our Control, Hold us in the hollow of your hand, guide us that we might not stumble and fall, and HELP US to rely on your provision and protection, and like that little frog, to just stop running and (W) restling and start RESTING!!...
Wait!!! I feel another Song flooding in..........................." Turn your ("I") eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face, and the things of Earth will grow stangely dim, in the LIGHT of HIS GLORY AND GRACE!"
Until we meet again!! Keep your Faith, and Keep Trusting...In this case, THE "I"S HAVE IT!!!! With Love and diligent prayers in your behalf, Your West Coast Front Porch Sister, Sharon
As I enjoy the last light, and cool breeze of this summers day, I have been thinking about so many things, ALL AT ONCE...those who need my prayers and love to support their challenging lives, and then I shift my thoughts to consider the next several weeks agenda, and all that needs to be accomplished, the opportunities that will face me, and the ones that I have missed due to the demands of life. I Long in my heart of hearts to see those whom I love secure in their health issues, finances, and life choices. Isn't it amazing that our brains can contain so many thoughts at any given moment and we somehow are able to sort them all out? OR NOT!!!?
In the midst of these Summer Evening ponderings, a song of worship enters in....( as often is the case for me, when I least expect it, a MELODY with meaning overpowers my rational) and my heart hesitates and surrenders to its strains...'OPEN MY EYES, LORD, I WANT TO SEE JESUS" How I love to sing that song, and at that moment my HEART is totally devoted and my mind "sees" only the blessing and glories of God's goodness in my life ..... ......OH yes, How I long to see my Jesus, certainly in Eternity, but even more so in my EVERDAY life, in my ponderings, my activities and my comitments and promises to keep. When I sing the words to that song, I SINCERELY do want to see Jesus in ALL that transpires, both VISABLE AND INVISIBLE, but unfortunately I have recently been diagnosed with and discovered a common ailment ..FAILING EYE ( OR more correctly said) "I" SIGHT. I WANT to see Jesus in everything and everyone, but somehow my "I"'s get blurred and I don't. Maybe you.ve had these same symptoms.
Recently I have noticed failing "I" sight when the life of my precious new friends son hangs teniously in the balance... "I" ache for these desperate, loving, sacrificial parents who would gladly trade places to have this sons life spared. For 5 long years he has battled with that dreadful ememy CANCER. 5 years of his young life, he has bravely fought, alongside his parents who have done everything humanly possible both to encourage his faith and strength and stamia, but to remain faithful and diligent in asking our Heavenly Father for a Miracle, and recently our hopes have been dashed as the Dr.'s have given less than promising diagnosis. My heart is SO full of love and devoted to prayer in their behalf to BEAT THIS ENEMY!!
Then my mind shifts to think of my precious co worker and Sister in Faith, who has dedicated her life to a son who is now a full grown man, in his 20's but his mind is locked into that of a 2-3 year old. She has diligently protected, provided for and carried this heavy physical and emotional burden has taken a serious toll on her mind and body. Yet her faith never waivers, and she continues on to BELIEVE that her Lord will direct and guide her, and sustain her to keep on. AND...so many others I care about are struggling, suffering and lost.
"I" don;t like this, Lord....I don't understand this..these are HUGE burdens to bear, and being born by the ones you Cherish... "I " know and believe that you are working all this out for good, but in the meantime, "I" confess that "I" don't get it.!!!! .I FEEL SOOO HELPLESS, SO INADEQUATE, SO DEFENSELESS, and "I " can't help but wonder, Lord, WHERE ARE YOU amidst this pain and anguish??? Is is really necessary for our good, and for the good of all creation????? That a Child would suffer, that a parent would GIVE UP EVERYTHING?? Wouldn't it be better to HEAL these precious ones, to remove the heavy burdens..wouldn't THAT be a better witness to doubters..to say "LOOK HOW OUR GOD HEALED...RESTORED AND REPAIRED".. "i" THINK IT WOULD, THINK HOW MANY would believe, then LORD !!?? "I " believe you CAN do this, Lord, "I" ask you to..."I" , "I", "I", I", "I"!!! SO many times our Faith falters when we don;t see God doing what "I" know, I feel or think IS BEST!!!
"Child ( I then hear his VOICE in my heart) you have failing "I" sight here!!...... FOR I, YOUR GOD, SEE MUCH DEEPER AND WIDER AND FARTHER than you ever could. You have UNLIMITED ability to see, and I HAVE LIMITLESS ability !! Can you not rest and trust me??"
Oh Lord, forgive us for not trusting your wisdom here!! The more "I" see and KNOW ( in the Greek this word is translated " to be familiar with someone or thing, to such an intimacy that is over rides knowledge, and it becomes more RELATIONALLY EXPERIENCIAL~~) The More I KNOW God, the more I experience God's ways are not my own, and might never agree with his methods ( Isaiah 55: 8) my focus is too often on the FEELING~~ our longings, our hopes and dreams and suffering get in the way and our "I" sight is affected, and takes power over the TRUTH of the Matter by clouding our vision . The Truth of the matter really is SIN, folks..SIN erodes us of our health, our Joy and our VISION of HOW CLOSE TO THE HEART OF THE MATTER Jesus really is. I never thought much about this, but in the center of the word S I N is that darned ol "I" again!!
Father help us to have " Supernatural Occular Adjustment here, to really SEE Jesus holding this Son, this little Lamb in his arms and comforting his fears and anxieties. Help US, who stand in support and prayer viligence to focus on ETERNITY and not on the unknown and temporal present. Help us to recognize that even amidst the blur of pain and suffering and doubt that YOU ARE WORKING YOUR ULTIMATE ETERNAL GOOD!!
God has such a sence of humor!! Right now, amidst my questioning and grief, HE STILL makes me smile!!
As I gaze out over my neighbors lawn, I see that her little Terrier Pup has been chasing a frog ( going about his business of eating the" intruder bugs" in the garden) and the Pup has the frog cornered, and IT FLIPS OVER ON ITS BACK..DEAD??? We run to rescue it, shaming the pup for this act, and guess what?? The frog, knowin it is in peril has been "playing dead"..When faced with an enemy BIGGER that him, he stops all activity and just flips over, becoming what I would guess to be his MOST VULNERABLE POSITION, he RESTS, HELPLESS and unable to defend himself, HIS INSTINCT has taught him to STOP (W) RESTLING AND TO REST!! WHAT A LESSON from Nature !! Stop striving, stop fighting, stop when you can;t possibly defend yourself, and PUT YOUR TOTAL TRUST IN THE ONE WHO CAN!! Take the "I" out of the equasion and put a U in its place, and S I N BECOMES S U N!! My ever Positive husband, despite the pain, humiliation and discouragement from his progressive Multiple Schlorosis, likes to say " THE SUN IS ALWAYS SHINING....but sometimes the CLOUDS just hide it!!"
Heavenly Father, I confess that so much of the HEART OF THE MATTER ( or the matter with my Heart) is my FAILING "I" sight, amidst the trials and grief of this ole World!! During these times of distress, grief, fear, and yes even anger, over what is out of our Control, Hold us in the hollow of your hand, guide us that we might not stumble and fall, and HELP US to rely on your provision and protection, and like that little frog, to just stop running and (W) restling and start RESTING!!...
Wait!!! I feel another Song flooding in..........................." Turn your ("I") eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face, and the things of Earth will grow stangely dim, in the LIGHT of HIS GLORY AND GRACE!"
Until we meet again!! Keep your Faith, and Keep Trusting...In this case, THE "I"S HAVE IT!!!! With Love and diligent prayers in your behalf, Your West Coast Front Porch Sister, Sharon
Saturday, July 5, 2008
A View from the Porch in the West
Welcome friends and family!! What a perfect gathering spot, the FRONT PORCH!! If you were sitting here with me, right now, in the cool(er) part of the evening, I would offer you something cold to drink, and we would together take in the Sights and Sounds of this part of the Country, and share our thoughts and hearts desires and dreams.
The "Front Porch", just speaking of that location , the sound of it bringing to mind a special place , so relaxing, SO INVITING, so much like days gone by. The FRONT PORCH, a haven and refuge from the demands of life. A connecting and contemplative spot to sip a beverage and to share and be restored. The Porch is the FIRST THING YOU SEE upon entering a home, it greets the visitor, and it whets the appetite for what is contained within.
It seems that though most neighbors in my charming ( thats another word for OLD) rural area, have porches, and MOST ALL are decorated with plants, and seasonal decor...some like mine, have even created ATTRACTION POWER, by adding benches or chairs on which to rest and share a relaxing moment ALONE, or with someone dear. It's that spot where people STOP for just a brief time and reflect on life.
But, the unfortunate truth of the matter is that, MOST all of us are too busy to enjoy that resting, inviting spot to stop and ponder. We are, it seems, either heading out ( and running about 10 minutes late, while singing the WHITE RABBIT SONG from Alice and Wonderland........ " I'm LATE, I'm Late..for a VERY important date, no time to say hello, goodbye...I'M LATE!! " ) or we're returning FROM a job or day that has sapped all our physical, mental and emotional energies. I watch daily ( as my kitchen window looks out over the porch and onto the street in front of my home, as my neighbors pass by, having to slow directly in front of my darling porch, because of a speed reduction burm ). A few neighbors glance over, checking out my latest seasonal decor, ( which is a BIG DEAL when you are a Decorator by vocation) they smile , and IF I should be out in front, they stop a moment and converse, BUT MOST OFTEN, even in my sleepy little community, they are pushing the button to raise their garage doors, then they scoot inside and while they are STILL ENTERING the garage, I see the door closing behind them. Could that be similar to a "DO NOT DISTURB SIGN" ??
I generally have a lovely view of Lush Trees and Hills surrounding me, not to mention the AMTRAK that I can both view and hear several times a day, that passes by on a high tressle, just about a mile away. The conductor must live somewhere near this area, as whenever he passes through he gives the special toot of the horn that makes one smile........... you know the one, that accompanies the old " shave and a haircut, six bits!!" ......WELL... maybe some of you are too young to know that one!!?? Anyway, it always makes me smile, as I wonder just WHERE that train is heading and whom it carries!
Sadly, the VIEW FROM MY FRONT PORCH has been obscured for the past 3 weeks so so, because of an oppressive SMOKE layer, hovering over us, and caused from the numerous WILD FIRES throughout our state. Though my own property has remained safe, many homes and lands have been threatened, and even lost to the devastation of these wild fires. ( WHAT DO YOU TAKE, when asked to evacuate your home? ) As we know, when something devastating of this nature occures, it affects us ALL in one way or another. My beautiful VIEW FROM THE PORCH in this pristine area has been clouded over, reminding us of the loss and distruction this fire has left in its path, and the smoke hanging in the air affects not only vision but also makes the AIR heavy, and breathing a challenge. HMMMMM...sounds a bit like my life! EVER FELT LIKE there was this HEAVY DARK SMOKE hanging all around you and you can't see where you going, and that the pain you feel from it make it almost impossible to catch your breath? Many whom I care for have experienced this feeling all to recently. Life has SUDDENLY and UNEXPECTEDLY become beyond our control, and has left us with that HEAVY SMOKE SCREEN that both PRESSES and DEPRESSES Our Spirits!! Me too!!
It seems that when adversity, loss, and sadness come upon us , there is also a FOG that accompanies this condition. The past year has especially been challenging for me, but mainly, because my Husband Gary has Chronic Progressive MULTIPLE SCHLEROSIS and is in a daily deteriorative state of this incidious disease. He is advanced to a stage that I am not able to care for him, in our home, and he is in a Care Facility located ( due to his care needs, as a disabled veteran) 2 hours from me. This is a challenging LONG-DISTANCE relationship/care to oversee and maintain, and somedays the loneliness, the pain and frustration we both share is like that HEAVY OPPRESSIVE SMOKE. It obscures my vision of the future, and with the weight of the financial strain and relational challenges makes it hard to breathe. When this SMOKE SCREEN obscures our future, OUR HOPE is dampened and discouragement lays on our hearts and we can't seem to find our way or make sence of our life.
It's during these times in my walk of life, ( and I've had years of experience with pain and suffering) that I no longer ask "WHY ME, GOD?" BUT instead, I now say, " OK, WHAT NEXT, GOD???" AND IN HIS FAITHFULNESS, he clears the SMOKE away, with the gentle breeze of HIS SPIRIT and He reveals the hope and future that only FAITH can produce. ( HEB 11:1 has been my comfort here) " Faith is BEING SURE of of what we HOPE for, and CERTAIN of that which we can not SEE!!" One of my front porch neighbor recently said..." I am amazed at your resilience though so many issues that might have caused others to fade....IT MUST BE YOUR FAITH!!"
When your VIEW is darkened and dimmed because of the Heaviness of your Heart, maybe its time for a "FAITH LIFT". It's the BEST ( inner) Beauty treatment available. Take a few moments of quiet time, away from the hustle bustle of appointments, commitiments and obligations and join me on the Porch, where " two are always better than one" in handling matters of the heart. BESIDES, I'd like to introduce to My Daddy who always stops by, and He is a master at "fixing things " that are broken. He is very wise and kind, has lots of good advice that he has passed along. Why, just the other day He gave me a special LIGHT to illuminate the dark and dreary day, and its AMAZING the view you get, when you use the right LIGHT FILTER!! You can read about it in the BOOK of Life Instruction, in Psalm 119:105. Let that SINK deep within your heart and rest in his direction during these times.
Those who have driven through dense FOG or SMOKE know that when you shine your "HEAD" LIGHTS, the light only bounces back and further blocks your vision!! Maybe it's time to instead, turn on our "HEART-LIGHTS", in these dreary times where our vision is clouded. My Daddy tells me that the HEART is what matters most. Between the gentle winds, and the soft glow of my upwardly committed heart, the sky is finally becoming clear once again. This too shall pass, and the view from the FRONT PORCH will again reveal many wonderful scenes to bask in. Maybe, we just might catch a glimpse of something we have never seen before.
So, dear one, I invited you to come sit a spell when you are weary, heavy laden, frustrated or your vision is impaired due to the SMOKE that seems to keep you lost. You will be delighted and amazed to see how those clouds seem to roll away as we laugh and talk and pray together. Even LONG DISTANCE Porch Friends can close the gap of miles, when we take time to sit and commune. It's kinda like a TIME/SPACE CONTINUM" thingy" that I don't fully understand, but KNOW IT WORKS!!
AND, if I don't see you on the PORCH, in the near future, I pray that I will see you " AT THE HOUSE!!"
Until next time!! Your "Front Porch Sister/ Adopted Mom and Friend, Sharon
The "Front Porch", just speaking of that location , the sound of it bringing to mind a special place , so relaxing, SO INVITING, so much like days gone by. The FRONT PORCH, a haven and refuge from the demands of life. A connecting and contemplative spot to sip a beverage and to share and be restored. The Porch is the FIRST THING YOU SEE upon entering a home, it greets the visitor, and it whets the appetite for what is contained within.
It seems that though most neighbors in my charming ( thats another word for OLD) rural area, have porches, and MOST ALL are decorated with plants, and seasonal decor...some like mine, have even created ATTRACTION POWER, by adding benches or chairs on which to rest and share a relaxing moment ALONE, or with someone dear. It's that spot where people STOP for just a brief time and reflect on life.
But, the unfortunate truth of the matter is that, MOST all of us are too busy to enjoy that resting, inviting spot to stop and ponder. We are, it seems, either heading out ( and running about 10 minutes late, while singing the WHITE RABBIT SONG from Alice and Wonderland........ " I'm LATE, I'm Late..for a VERY important date, no time to say hello, goodbye...I'M LATE!! " ) or we're returning FROM a job or day that has sapped all our physical, mental and emotional energies. I watch daily ( as my kitchen window looks out over the porch and onto the street in front of my home, as my neighbors pass by, having to slow directly in front of my darling porch, because of a speed reduction burm ). A few neighbors glance over, checking out my latest seasonal decor, ( which is a BIG DEAL when you are a Decorator by vocation) they smile , and IF I should be out in front, they stop a moment and converse, BUT MOST OFTEN, even in my sleepy little community, they are pushing the button to raise their garage doors, then they scoot inside and while they are STILL ENTERING the garage, I see the door closing behind them. Could that be similar to a "DO NOT DISTURB SIGN" ??
I generally have a lovely view of Lush Trees and Hills surrounding me, not to mention the AMTRAK that I can both view and hear several times a day, that passes by on a high tressle, just about a mile away. The conductor must live somewhere near this area, as whenever he passes through he gives the special toot of the horn that makes one smile........... you know the one, that accompanies the old " shave and a haircut, six bits!!" ......WELL... maybe some of you are too young to know that one!!?? Anyway, it always makes me smile, as I wonder just WHERE that train is heading and whom it carries!
Sadly, the VIEW FROM MY FRONT PORCH has been obscured for the past 3 weeks so so, because of an oppressive SMOKE layer, hovering over us, and caused from the numerous WILD FIRES throughout our state. Though my own property has remained safe, many homes and lands have been threatened, and even lost to the devastation of these wild fires. ( WHAT DO YOU TAKE, when asked to evacuate your home? ) As we know, when something devastating of this nature occures, it affects us ALL in one way or another. My beautiful VIEW FROM THE PORCH in this pristine area has been clouded over, reminding us of the loss and distruction this fire has left in its path, and the smoke hanging in the air affects not only vision but also makes the AIR heavy, and breathing a challenge. HMMMMM...sounds a bit like my life! EVER FELT LIKE there was this HEAVY DARK SMOKE hanging all around you and you can't see where you going, and that the pain you feel from it make it almost impossible to catch your breath? Many whom I care for have experienced this feeling all to recently. Life has SUDDENLY and UNEXPECTEDLY become beyond our control, and has left us with that HEAVY SMOKE SCREEN that both PRESSES and DEPRESSES Our Spirits!! Me too!!
It seems that when adversity, loss, and sadness come upon us , there is also a FOG that accompanies this condition. The past year has especially been challenging for me, but mainly, because my Husband Gary has Chronic Progressive MULTIPLE SCHLEROSIS and is in a daily deteriorative state of this incidious disease. He is advanced to a stage that I am not able to care for him, in our home, and he is in a Care Facility located ( due to his care needs, as a disabled veteran) 2 hours from me. This is a challenging LONG-DISTANCE relationship/care to oversee and maintain, and somedays the loneliness, the pain and frustration we both share is like that HEAVY OPPRESSIVE SMOKE. It obscures my vision of the future, and with the weight of the financial strain and relational challenges makes it hard to breathe. When this SMOKE SCREEN obscures our future, OUR HOPE is dampened and discouragement lays on our hearts and we can't seem to find our way or make sence of our life.
It's during these times in my walk of life, ( and I've had years of experience with pain and suffering) that I no longer ask "WHY ME, GOD?" BUT instead, I now say, " OK, WHAT NEXT, GOD???" AND IN HIS FAITHFULNESS, he clears the SMOKE away, with the gentle breeze of HIS SPIRIT and He reveals the hope and future that only FAITH can produce. ( HEB 11:1 has been my comfort here) " Faith is BEING SURE of of what we HOPE for, and CERTAIN of that which we can not SEE!!" One of my front porch neighbor recently said..." I am amazed at your resilience though so many issues that might have caused others to fade....IT MUST BE YOUR FAITH!!"
When your VIEW is darkened and dimmed because of the Heaviness of your Heart, maybe its time for a "FAITH LIFT". It's the BEST ( inner) Beauty treatment available. Take a few moments of quiet time, away from the hustle bustle of appointments, commitiments and obligations and join me on the Porch, where " two are always better than one" in handling matters of the heart. BESIDES, I'd like to introduce to My Daddy who always stops by, and He is a master at "fixing things " that are broken. He is very wise and kind, has lots of good advice that he has passed along. Why, just the other day He gave me a special LIGHT to illuminate the dark and dreary day, and its AMAZING the view you get, when you use the right LIGHT FILTER!! You can read about it in the BOOK of Life Instruction, in Psalm 119:105. Let that SINK deep within your heart and rest in his direction during these times.
Those who have driven through dense FOG or SMOKE know that when you shine your "HEAD" LIGHTS, the light only bounces back and further blocks your vision!! Maybe it's time to instead, turn on our "HEART-LIGHTS", in these dreary times where our vision is clouded. My Daddy tells me that the HEART is what matters most. Between the gentle winds, and the soft glow of my upwardly committed heart, the sky is finally becoming clear once again. This too shall pass, and the view from the FRONT PORCH will again reveal many wonderful scenes to bask in. Maybe, we just might catch a glimpse of something we have never seen before.
So, dear one, I invited you to come sit a spell when you are weary, heavy laden, frustrated or your vision is impaired due to the SMOKE that seems to keep you lost. You will be delighted and amazed to see how those clouds seem to roll away as we laugh and talk and pray together. Even LONG DISTANCE Porch Friends can close the gap of miles, when we take time to sit and commune. It's kinda like a TIME/SPACE CONTINUM" thingy" that I don't fully understand, but KNOW IT WORKS!!
AND, if I don't see you on the PORCH, in the near future, I pray that I will see you " AT THE HOUSE!!"
Until next time!! Your "Front Porch Sister/ Adopted Mom and Friend, Sharon
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